
The information which I have compiled, and continue to add, to this blog has been researched both on the internet and  literary research and put together taking into account my (an armchair paranormal investigator’s) knowledge of 20+ years reading about/researching the subject.

I make no claim that I am an expert or have any specific training. Further, I consider myself to be a skeptic in regard to all things paranormal.  I have no doubt that people have experienced phenomena / paranormal activity that is inexplicable – that does not mean there is no explanation, simply that we don’t necessarily understand what causes these things to occur.  I started to write articles from a need to provide an informed, scientific and objective view of the perceived paranormal world.

If there are any omissions or errors they are entirely mine.

4 thoughts on “About”

  1. Stephon Vierra said:

    What is the name of the “I” character?


  2. What a relief to be directed to your site. When first I read Carl Sagan’s work in the 1980’s, I thought I was wasting my time because all he said was so obvious. Little did I know about what was to come in our world! All I can say is how much I appreciate your detailed chasing down of the facts on these many incidences of the supposed paranormal. Your site is a breath of fresh air after pointlessly wrestling on Facebook with believers who’ve supposedly had paranormal experiences and are by turns sniffy, upset, or superior (they “pity” my scientific close-mindedness). And this on a site mainly concerned with photographs of English landscapes and pathways.


    • Grant I’m really pleased that you have enjoyed what I’ve written. I would never deny the existence of paranormal phenomena but, in many instances, it’s possible to debunk what people think they have experienced. In instances where phenomena are inexplicable, maybe that’s because we just don’t yet have the scientific knowledge to rationalise and understand the cause and effect.


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